Void: 冥想 深層睡眠 減壓 正念

by Without Limited

Health & Fitness


Void Meditation Mindfulness App has courses such as stress reduction meditation, deep sleep meditation, health meditation, etc., to help you relax and kick away insomnia; built-in bedtime story, ASMR relaxation, meditation music, meditation recording guide, zero limit meditation and concentration alarm clock

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Void冥想App是由土生土長的香港團隊打造,為你提供全新放鬆及深層睡眠體驗,提升你的心理健康狀態。免費下載Void冥想App,為你壓力過大、過度緊張、精神繃緊、和失眠嚴重的問題。心理健康包含三個元素:情緒、心理及社交。它影響我們的想法、感受和行為。透過促進心理健康,可幫助我們處理日積月累的壓力、改善人際關係、靜心入眠,並使我們作出清晰的抉擇。為了令更多人受益,我們把冥想、正念和催眠治療等專業知識,融入到此應用程式,並製作了針對不同精神健康問題的課程,供你對症下藥,解決困擾。你可從Void得到:- 超過140個共3000分鐘以上的錄音聲帶,為你處理壓力、改善睡眠、加強健康和提升幸福感- 2星期為期14天的免費冥想旅程:初步接觸何謂冥想,感受冥想的效果 - 基礎一:設計給你睡前聆聽,助你入眠 - 基礎二:給你任何時間聆聽,助你放鬆身心- 4個為期10天的完整冥想課程:減壓、睡眠、健康和快樂冥想課程 - 每個課程亦有長、中、短,三個長度供你選擇 - 讓你深入、全面、透徹了解冥想的精髓,掌握其技巧 - 助你於日常生活運用所學到的冥想技巧- 放鬆及呼吸練習:可以自訂時限,隨時隨地進行放鬆練習- 心情日記記錄你每天的感恩事物和冥想時間及進度 - 心理學家曾指出,每天記錄發生過令我們感恩快樂的人或事能有效提升我們幸福感;Void 心情日記特為此而設,你可以用文字或相片的方法作記錄,所有內容均以加密方式儲存,大家可安心使用。 - 肺炎抗疫冥想 為你在嚴峻疫情中助你一臂之力- ASMR 放鬆 - ASMR即「自發性知覺神經反應」,也有人簡稱為「顱內高潮」,透過特定視、觸、聽覺帶來感觀上的刺激,令頭部有酥麻感達致療癒感覺,有幫助平靜情緒、助眠、紓壓的效果。「我愛你」「對不起」「請原諒我」「謝謝你」- 零極限靜心清理消除內心傷痛和負能量 - 「我愛你」「對不起」「請原諒我」「謝謝你」源自夏威夷療法「荷歐波諾波諾Hooponopono」,簡單而強力的方法讓我們清理內心的一切負能量,引導首次引入男女聲,讓用家有更多樣的選擇- 集中力鬧鐘 - 專心工作需要高度集中力,集中力鬧鐘可以幫助你遠離智能電話一切可以會令我們分心的事情,讓我們能高效專注眼前重要的事情- 由著名冥想導師、國際發呆比賽冠軍得主陳棨豪設計的內容為你帶來的價值:- 達到內心的平靜- 提升精神健康狀態- 促進更好的睡眠質素為了達到課程的最大成效,我們建議你在寧靜、不被打擾的環境中播放,並按照應用程式中的指示獲得完整的體驗。駕駛或操作機器時,應避免收聽應用程序。此應用程序不旨在診斷,治療或預防任何種類的疾病。同時它亦不應該被用來取代任何治療方法。如果有任何疑問,歡迎向我們作進一步查詢: [email protected]。Void 訂閱條款:訂閱 Void 後,立刻解鎖全部錄音課程。年費會員為 HK$368,按月支付的月度會員為 HK$38。一旦確認購買,款項將從您的 iTunes 賬戶中扣除。您可以通過 iTunes 賬號設置中的取消訂閱來取消訂閱或取消免費試用,否則將自動續訂。這必須在免費試用或任何訂閱期間結束至少 24 小時前完成,以避免被收取費用。擁有免費試用期的訂閱將會自動續訂為付費訂閱。在您確認購買及每個續訂期間開始時,訂閱費用將通過您的 iTunes 賬號進行收費。您在免費試用期間未使用的特權部分將被放棄。請查閱我們的服務條款及私穩條款瞭解更多資訊。服務條款:https://void.com.hk/terms-of-service私穩條款:https://void.com.hk/privacy-policy立刻下載免費應用程式,讓我們攜手走向快樂精神健康的未來!我們期待聽到你生活得到改善的喜訊,得到你滿意的笑容。The Void Meditation App is created by a Hong Kong-born team that provides you with a new relaxation and deep sleep experience, and improves your mental health.Download the Void Meditation App for free to help you with serious problems of excessive stress, excessive tension, mental tension, and insomnia.Mental health includes three elements: emotional, psychological and social. It affects our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.By promoting mental health, it can help us deal with accumulated stress, improve interpersonal relationships, fall asleep, and make clear choices.In order to benefit more people, we have incorporated professional knowledge such as meditation, mindfulness, and hypnotherapy into this app, and have created courses for different mental health problems, so that you can prescribe the right medicine and solve the problem.You can get from Void:-More than 140 audio tapes with a total of more than 3000 minutes to deal with stress, improve sleep, strengthen health and improve happiness-2 weeks of free meditation journey for 14 days: first contact with what is meditation and feel the effects of meditation -Basic 1: Designed to listen before going to bed to help you fall asleep -Basic Two: Give you any time to listen and help you relax-4 complete meditation courses for 10 days: stress reduction, sleep, health and happiness meditation courses -Each course also has long, medium and short, three lengths for you to choose -Let you understand the essence of meditation deeply, comprehensively and thoroughly, and master its techniques -Help you apply the meditation skills you have learned in daily life-Relaxation and breathing exercises: you can customize the time limit and perform relaxation exercises anytime, anywhere-Mood diary records your daily gratitude and meditation time and progress -Psychologists have pointed out that daily recording of people or things that make us grateful and happy can effectively improve our sense of happiness; Void mood diary is specially designed for this purpose. You can record in words or photos. All content is based on Stored in an encrypted way, everyone can use it at ease.-Pneumonia anti-epidemic meditation to help you in a severe epidemic-ASMR relax -ASMR stands for "Spontaneous Perceptual Neural Response", or simply referred to as "Intracranial Orgasm". It brings sensory stimulation through specific sight, touch, and hearing, which makes the head feel tingling and healing, which is helpful The effect of calming emotions, helping sleep, and relieving stress."I love you" "Im sorry" "Please forgive me" "Thank you"-Zero limit meditation cleansing to eliminate inner pain and negative energy -"I love you", "Im sorry", "Please forgive me" and "Thank you" are derived from the Hawaiian therapy "Hooponopono", a simple and powerful way to clean up all negative energies in our hearts and guide us for the first time Introduce male and female voices, giving users more choices-Concentration alarm clock -Concentrating on work requires a high degree of concentration. Concentration alarm clock can help you stay away from all the things that can distract us from the smart phone, allowing us to efficiently focus on the important things at hand-Content designed by Chen Tihao, a famous meditation instructor and winner of the international daze competitionValue for you:-Reach inner peace-Improve mental health-Promote better sleep qualityIn order to achieve the maximum effect of the course, we recommend that you play in a quiet and undisturbed environment and follow the instructions in the app to get a complete experience. When driving or operating machinery, avoid listening to apps. This application is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any kind of disease. At the same time, it should not be used to replace any treatment.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us for further inquiries: [email protected] subscription terms:After subscribing to Void, all recording courses will be unlocked immediately. Annual membership fee is HK$368, and monthly membership fee is HK$38. Once the purchase is confirmed, the money will be deducted from your iTunes account. You can cancel the subscription or cancel the free trial through the cancel subscription in the iTunes account settings, otherwise it will be automatically renewed. This must be done at least 24 hours before the end of the free trial or any subscription period to avoid being charged. Subscriptions with a free trial period will automatically renew to paid subscriptions. When you confirm the purchase and the beginning of each renewal period, the subscription fee will be charged through your iTunes account. The part of the privileges you have not used during the free trial period will be forfeited. Please refer to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for more information.Terms of Service: https://void.com.hk/terms-of-servicePrivacy policy: https://void.com.hk/privacy-policyDownload the free app now and let us work together towards a happy and mentally healthy future!We look forward to hearing the good news that your life has improved and getting your satisfied smile.- 新功能: 自助冥想, 提供不同樂器的個人冥想練習- 修正訂閱價錢顯示錯誤

Read trusted reviews from application customers


Jessie Hu

Nice recording but error occurred when i want to subscribe.....

Tang Kitty

very good!

Sim Josephine

Simple and good for everyone

Brian Chan


MH Mui

總體很好用,難得有中文meditation app :D 不過更改頭像可能有bug? 用手機入面嘅圖片更換頭像會彈app



Leonard Ong


Wing Fat Suen

我覺得把聲好電腦,用文字generate啲電腦聲出嚟咁,語句之間嘅停頓位好唔自然,應快嘅位慢,應慢嘅位快,好似Google translate讀音咁…所以聽得好唔自然,不如直接真人一段段咁錄啦,其他ok,希望可以改善下。謝謝。


喜歡這個app, 真的有效幫助放鬆。而且廣東話錄音對於香港人來說有一定的親切感。但如果能添加“學會放下”可能會更好。因為我很多壓力的來源也是過分執著一些東西。